Last year I preached the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to 18,591 eternal souls. What a privilege! I don’t mean this to sound like ‘me’. It’s all Him! It’s all for His glory. And it sure is a joy to be part of it. I preached all the way from Africa to Mexico to Utah and points in between. I preached in churches and in Pastors Conferences and Pastors and Evangelists Conferences. But the majority of the time I was preaching to lost people. Some places I was told I was the first Christian evangelist they had ever heard. Some places were 99% Muslim (POW.) I just can’t get used to what I get to do. Thank you for helping me do it. Many are able to help financially. All can pray, and believe me, I know how important that is. Last year the word got out with amazing rapidity that I had been arrested and you prayed me through that. I must admit that was pretty impressive prayer power.
Scheduling for this year is taking place right now, and I must be patient and wait on the Lord’s timing, but it’s never fast enough for me. I’m chompin’ at the bits to get back out there in the Harvest. It’ll be a great year. I am willing and able to go a lot more than I did last year, and Terri is very supportive and in favor of me traveling even more. The only holdup is the resources. You are so faithful in giving sacrificially, especially in these difficult times. Please continue to pray with me for additional travel money. I say that I’m anxious and willing, but I must remember that no one is more willing for people to be saved than the Lord; He is not willing that any should perish.
May our hearts be broken by that which breaks the heart of God.
For God so loved the world…
Dan Grindstaff
*Revival: an extraordinary movement of the Holy Spirit producing extraordinary results.
Yearnings: protracted, insistent and strong desires or craving, especially in wishing for something lost; longings for the attainment of something unfulfilled.