The Richest Man in the World

It’s difficult to convince an African preacher in the bush that I’m not rich. After all, they reason, I had the money to fly around the world to get there. Yes, I explain that God’s generous people provide for me to come there and that it’s not my money. Therefore, they think, all my friends are rich. No, most of the gifts that come to me are like the $10 from the retired pastor and his wife who have known me since I was eight years old and pray for me every day. Priceless! But then that $10 might equal the African preacher’s monthly salary. It’s pointless to try to explain that the little trailer my wife and I live in is smaller than his mud hut. No complaints. We have electricity and running water. He doesn’t. And he may have taken in several orphans off the street in addition to his own five kids. So, I guess I am rich.

In fact, I’m wealthier than I thought.

Listen in on this conversation between my five year old grandson and his Mom, my daughter:

Bear  “Momma, I think Grandpa is the richest person in the world.”
Mom  “Why is that, Buddy?”
Bear   “Because he gets to tell people about God and Jesus.”

Yes, I certainly do. And yes, I am exceedingly, abundantly wealthy. I wouldn’t trade places with anyone. By the way, thank you for enabling me to spread the treasury of Heaven among the nations, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  “Thanks be to God for His indescribable Gift!”

I’ll be preaching a Spiritual Awakening Conference in Tucumcari, New Mexico, at Immanuel Baptist Church, June 11-12. Then I’ll be in Mexico for about a month. When I am home, I need and want to be busy preaching Spiritual Awakening Conferences. Contact information below.

I have no hope in politicians of any party being able to turn things around. I have great confidence, and therefore great hope, in the power of God and the willingness of God to pour out His Spirit on our churches in Revival and on our nation in Spiritual Awakening. Someone asked me why a certain godly man dropped out of the Presidential race and what that meant for us. Of course, I don’t have a clue about other men’s decisions, but I repeated what I’ve said many times: we are never going to elect a messiah to save America. The only Messiah was elected from eternity past, the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world. Whether He is going to save America as we have known her, or what other providential circumstances will have to occur to turn us around, of course, I wouldn’t know. I just know we have no other options, but to repent as a Church and cry out to the Lord God for mercy. It doesn’t take a prophet to see we are hanging over Destruction by a rapidly fraying thread.

Around the Last Supper table, the disciples each asked, “Lord, is it I?”  The answer today would be to each one of us, “Yes, you are the one with your hand in the dish.”

If the spiritual health of our country, if the pouring out or the withholding of the Spirit, if the giving or restraining of mercy, if Revival and Spiritual Awakening or the withdrawal of the Spirit depended on your repentance, your brokenness, your contrition, your prayers, what kind of shape would we be in? Well, I guess that’s our answer, because that’s the kind of shape we’re in.

I receive all kinds of emails and forwards from Christian individuals and organizations cataloging the evils of our government and asking me to sign petitions and write my congressman, and of course, forward the forwards. But I don’t get any urging me to pray that God would convict church members of their lostness and carnality. Judgment begins in the house of God. Many church folks need to get saved. Others need to repent that there is no discernable difference between their lifestyles, clothing, movies and language and that of their heathen neighbors.

Jesus said to render what is owed to the very government that had Him crucified. Paul said to pay taxes and to honor the government that had him beheaded. But both blasted religious hypocrisy. The problem in America is not in the White House, it’s in the church house.

“If My people who are called by May Name…”

In the love of Christ,

Psalm 2:8

PO Box 57
Buckhorn New Mexico 88025
Email – See Contact Page

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