FROM 33*01’59.01”N 108*41’29.5W (4743 ft.)
TO 19*4601.51”N 14*21.57.94’W (3012 ft.)
TO 39*54’15 17”N 116*24.26.69”E (159 ft.)
In other words, from Buckhorn, New Mexico to Autlan de Navarro, Jalisco, Mexico to Bejing, China.
I just got back from a month in Mexico, 34 days to be exact. We handed out about 2000 Gospel tracts I designed. I preached to the Assembly of God church and a Charismatic ladiesgroup, with invited lost people, both meetings in Ajijic and made up of gringos. I preached in a Pentecostal church in Chapala, a Baptist church, a youth group, a Pilgrim’s Progress study group (about Evangelist) and a prison, all Mexicans and all in Autlan; preached twice in Mexico City, preached in the open air in the plaza and in a Fundamentalist Baptist church, both in Cardel, Vera Cruz. Of course, we witnessed everywhere we went. I assisted in a baptism in the Gulf of Mexico, was immersed again myself by a rogue wave and lost my new glasses, which I just got to replace the ones I stepped on a month ago. I LOST MY GLASSES IN THE OCEAN! I said “Lord, You know all things; You know I can’t replace them again, and You know where they are.” I didn’t even ask. Five minutes later, one of the ladies we had just baptized found them.
It rained every day I was in Mexico; was cool and comfortable. We even drove through a patch of freak snow on the way to Vera Cruz. It was very hot in VC, but we made the baptism last as long as possible.
I was able to initiate three Pastors Conferences, one in Vera Cruz in October, one in Autlan in November and one for next year in Guadalajara. See the agenda I laid out for the conferences below. A very, very productive trip.
My First Time
September 11-24 will be my first time to go to China. I have been praying for China for years, especially for the persecuted Christians. I won’t be able to say much about the trip, before or after. Just know I’ll be doing what I do. You’ll be praying as you always do, please. Not to sound too mysterious, but emails travel the world rapidly and have been known to fall into unsympathetic hands. I don’t want to put any of our friends at risk. I’ll let you know what I can when I get back. The trip costs $2500.
Thank you for your prayers, your support and your friendship. If you would like a real life example of how crucial, how life and death your prayers are, email me personally and I’ll fill you in.
Biblical Evangelism Conference
(The Theology and Practice of Preaching the Gospel)
The Holiness of God and the Unbending Demands of His Righteous Law
The Radical Corruption of the Human Heart
Judgment and Hell
The Atonement
The Work of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism and Regeneration
Repentance, Faith and Perseverance
The Free Offer of the Gospel
The Message is the Method: Trusting the Power of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit
Every Christian an Evangelist
Calling People to Repentance and Faith
The Pastor as Lead Evangelist
Love in Christ and for the souls He purchased,