100 Years Ago

Crowds gathered spontaneously. Churches were packed all over the nation. It was never advertised, or even organized. No one was in charge; no human, anyway. To the outside observer, the services had no direction; in fact, they appeared to be chaotic. Several people praying at once, their testimonies or even the sermon, when there was one, regularly interrupted by the whole congregation breaking out in song, sometimes singing the same song for a solid hour. But it worked both ways. Often a soloist was drowned out by someone erupting in broken-hearted intercession. Or by shouts of praise from the balcony that someone had been converted. Sounds like total pandemonium to us.

But those who witnessed the 1904-05 Welsh Revival didn’t see it that way. It was clearly understood by all present that an Unseen Hand was conducting all proceedings. Deep conviction of sin, an overwhelming sense of brokenness and contrition, heart-wrenching prayers of compassion for the lost, explosions of joy inexpressible and full of glory describe the last Spiritual Awakening to impact the world, the last one that touched America as a whole.

Within six to eight weeks in the tiny country of Wales , 100,000 people had been converted to Christ!

We have never seen anything on this order in our lifetime, or in several generations past. But Revival among God’s people first, and then as a result, a Spiritual Awakening of our lost nation, is THE ONLY HOPE FOR AMERICA. We are not going to elect a messiah. The job’s already taken.

But I have great hope in our great covenant-keeping God, the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The darkest days spiritually are the most likely time for our sovereign and benevolent Lord to intervene. Then He and He alone will receive all the glory.

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