You who have been reading my newsletters over the years, have no doubt noticed a recurring theme: REVIVAL. You know this is not just a hobby for me. Nor is it a hobby horse I ride occasionally. Nor is it a dead horse I continue to beat. It might even be accurate to call it an obsession, and I believe it is a magnificent obsession. Revival is not a subject one goes to seed on, neglecting the more ‘practical’ aspects of the Christian life. It is a reinvigorating of all the aspects of our walk with the Lord Jesus. Revival is accelerated sanctification. It is a return to our first love, a new hunger for the Word of God, a craving for prayer and intimate communion with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, a joy in meeting together with fellow believers, a broken-hearted compassion for the lost, an overflow of praise, an insistence and a jealousy for the Glory of God in all things. Revival is a renewed love for the doctrines of the Bible, especially the doctrines concerning the grace of God in salvation. Revival is a return to New Testament Christianity. In other words, it is the Christian life raised again to the level of the Book of Acts. Am I obsessed with that? Absolutely; for myself, my family, my church, my country, and some countries I have been privileged to visit. Some nations are experiencing a certain level of Revival, especially where intense persecution is present. But even these nations need an unprecedented effusion of the Spirit.
Perhaps you heard about the toddler in China that was run over by a vehicle. A security camera reveals that 18 people passed by the dying infant before someone finally stopped to offer assistance. In response the Chinese government is now trying to come up with ideas, a government program, to instill moral values in the people of China. Before you cast stones, think for a minute about parallels in the United States. We hear often the declaration, ‘You can’t legislate morality.’ Well, that’s basically what laws are for, beginning with the Moral Law of God, the 10 Commandments; the law and it accompanying punishments restrain the acting out of immorality, to an extent. But the Law of God, the laws of the land, or government programs (communist or free) cannot change the human heart. Only the transforming power of the Gospel can do that. I’ve heard anywhere from 20,000 to 80,000 are coming to faith in Christ in China daily. In other words, it’s so massive a movement that no one can keep up with it. 80% of the Christians in China are first generation believers. It’s breathtaking what God is doing there. But there are 1.3 billion souls in China, most of whom have never heard the name of Jesus. China needs a sweeping, nation-wide Pentecost.
We recently conducted a Biblical Evangelism Conference in Mexico. For years I have been saying that it appears the Lord of the Harvest is laying the groundwork for something big in Mexico, strategically positioning His laborers/warriors all over the nation, raising up champions for the New Testament Gospel. One message I preached at the conference was The Message IS the Method: Trusting the Power of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit, from Romans 1:16. I dealt with the easy-believism theology and the shallow, manipulative methods added to the Gospel that American Christians export to the world, including Mexico. A man who has been pastoring for 31 years, shared his testimony with us a couple of days later. He had ridden a bus all the way across the country to come to this conference. He had been troubled in his spirit for 3 months. He would ask his wife to pray for him. She would ask, ‘What do you want me to pray for you?’ He’d tell her, ‘I just don’t know. I just don’t know what’s wrong.’ Mexican men don’t cry. I understand that’s a sweeping generalization. But you must understand Mexican machismo. But this dear man told us, weeping profusely, that after 31 years in the ministry, he was born again while I was preaching. I am not ashamed of the preaching of the Gospel of Christ, for IT (not our human additions/methods) is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes. He said to us, ‘Now what am I going to do? I have to go back to all those churches and tell them.’ I told him I believed the Father would use his testimony to spark a Revival in all that part of the nation. Mexico needs a Revival and Reformation. I don’t separate the two.
Can anyone possibly not see that America needs a Spiritual Awakening? A Reformation and a Revival? And do we not understand that it must begin in the churches? And do we not remember that are churches are made up of individuals, some true believers, some who only think they are, and some who know they really aren’t? And are you not in one of these categories? If you are lost, you must repent and believe the Gospel. Now. If you are saved, you doubtless are like me, crying out for Revival for our nation and for yourself. I’ll never be satisfied with anything else or anything less.
This pilgrim craves more progress.
Dan Grindstaff