Many of you will recognize this as the first words uttered by American journalist, Henry Morton Stanley when he encountered pioneer missionary and explorer David Livingstone in the interior of Africa. Livingstone effectively cut the lifeline of the slave trade and opened the continent to the spread of the Gospel. Today, 150 years later, we are enjoying the fruits of his labor, and, in fact, standing on his shoulders in evangelizing Africa. I have read that, at the current rate, Africa will be Christianized within a couple of decades.
I just got back from Zambia. I was invited by long time friend, Evangelist David Stockwell. He has been traveling to Africa for several years and has a well-established, effective ministry in several countries. David has several national pastor-evangelists he works with and helps support. They are part of a network he calls NEST evangelists (National Evangelist Support Team.) They do the advance work (what I used to do for David 30 years ago,) and follow-up, discipleship and church planting.
I preached the Gospel several times a day in public schools in Lusaka, the capitol. The headmaster (principal) at each school would introduce me and say, ‘Listen to the man of God who is going to preach the Word of God to you. Now, you can’t do that in Iraq, China, or the Land of the Free and Home of the brave! No restrictions. I preached hard, a clear, unwatered down Gospel of the Blood of Christ, repentance, faith, Lordship of Christ, following Him to the death. You need to understand, my theology is very conservative in counting numbers. I’ve seen the abuse of easy believism , a cheap Gospel, and manipulation. Taking all that into consideration, I personally saw nearly 7000 professions of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! This is a time of Spiritual Harvest in much of Africa.
July 5-15, I’ll be driving into Mexico, going back to Chamula, the most dangerous place in Central America for evangelicals. I’m counting on your intercession. Then, July 22, I’m scheduled to go back to Africa, this time to Uganda. That trip depends on how the Lord provides through His people.
In fact, I’ve been invited to go to Africa regularly (and the Philippines) to preach the Gospel. Each trip varies in cost, of course, but is somewhere in the neighborhood of $3500. We basically need to double the income of Dan Grindstaff Ministries. Please pray with us about that. ‘How can they preach unless they are sent?’ I know that you, our regular contributors are doing all you can. And we are deeply grateful. Perhaps you know others who could help. Maybe there would be some churches that could put us in their budget. If it were just for Terri and me personally, I would be very hesitant to ask. BUT I’VE SEEN WHAT CAN HAPPEN IN A NATION WHERE THEY ARE BEGGING TO HEAR THE GOSPEL, AND THAT EMBOLDENS ME TO SWALLOW PRIDE AND ASK FOR FINANCIAL HELP.
Thank you in advance for anything the Lord leads you to do.
Livingstone said, ‘I have drunk water swarming with insects, thick with mud, putrid from rhinoceros’ urine and buffalo’s dung.’ In Zambia, I stayed in a very nice hotel and ate two meals a day, a breakfast buffet and a late night supper of fish or pork chops. It’s not like that in Mexico and won’t be like that in every part of Africa. Livingstone only saw two souls come to Christ and the slave trade wasn’t decimated until after his death. But he paved the way for an unprecedented harvest.
And I want in on it!
By the way, after preaching all week, we went to Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River, which Livingstone named for Queen Victoria. The name of the town there is Livingstone, Zambia.