Hakuna Matata

Kenya/Tanzania February 17-March15, 2010

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1

All kinds of problems in the early stages of this trip. One country canceled. Will be in Kenya 2 weeks, then going to Tanzania (last minute change) with 2 unknown contacts. Several schedule changes. Interpersonal relationship problems arose in Kenya. I have a severe flareup of gout. At Houston airport, had to unload and leave behind 80 lbs. of Gospels and New Testaments. At Nairobi airport as soon as we walked outside pushing 2 carts of luggage, started pouring down rain (unseasonably early.) Soaking wet. Driver got on wrong road, got lost. Ran out of gas. Bad,bad part of town, still raining lions and hyenas (cats and dogs.) Drove another hour on empty tank, believe it or not! At gas station, had fender bender. Lord, You must have big plans for this mission!

Sun. AM witnessed early morning baptism in muddy river. Women washing clothes and hauling water. Preached at Kamakowa Baptist Church on Pursuing Holiness.

Missionaries we’re staying with in Kisumu, Kenya, Wayne and Mary Lynn. They are training 7 pastors. Last year, when they were getting ready to go home for holidays, one of the pastors (they all call Mary Lynn their spiritual Mother) said, “You go home, visit your family, get refreshed, but come back soon,” then looking at Mary Lynn, said, “because we are not through suckling your spiritual breasts.” Wasn’t being crude or funny, just very African. And Bibilical. She said simply, “We’ll be back.”

“Runners”- demon-possessed run naked through villages at night.

Mr. Obama’s grandmother (who lives about an hour from here) was appointed Goodwill Ambassador. In her 90’s. First official visit..Moammar Khadafy, Muslim dictator of Libya. NOTE: I’m not making political comments or taking potshots at our President. I’m an American, and would therefore take a bullet for the President, literally. I was just in his family’s neighborhood and his name came up frequently. People would ask if I know Obama, and to tell him hello. After the election, in Kenya, people were waving palm branches and chanting, “Obama is coming, Obama is coming!” One cute little girl, maybe a year old, big brown eyes, pig tails, short, fat little legs. Asked her Mom the girl’s name. ‘Michelle Obama’

Witches on islands on largest lake in Africa, Lake Victoria, ‘mesmerize’ hippos and crocodiles and ride them from island to island. Believe it or not! Inland, they have hyenas for guard dogs. Believe it or not! Told to me by Jonathan, Kenyan evangelist.

Preached outdoors under trees at all girls Anglican school. Best assembly ever. Overflowing joy from students and teacher.

Ate lunch at house in bush, home of a pastor’s parents. Father is dead, but was polygamist. Two Mommas. Had rubber chicken, fried bananas, and cooked weeds. Didn’t hit me til next night. Up all night. Missed work next day. Not a very romantic or heroic way to die!

George said, “I never see you reading the Bible when you preach (I don’t carry one to the schools) but you are always quoting it. That is so powerful!” I told him, “That’s because when you don’t see me, I’m always reading the Bible.”

Deaf school. Amazing experience. Esther, my interpreter, asked me how I felt before I preached. I told her I was scared to death every time, after 35 years of preaching, because I’m dealing with eternal souls. She was nervous because she had never “preached” before. I explained the Holy Spirit took over once I got started. The students were thrilled to have us. Very friendly, yet shy. Most had been abandoned by parents. Received Gospel hungrily. When we prayed at end, naturally they kept their eyes open, watching Esther. 50 out of 60 followed her as she prayed in sign after me a prayer of repentance and faith. Normally, I hear people praying to receive Christ, today, I watched them pray, from their hearts, with their hands. Deeply moving experience. The spiritual reality was tangible. Later, Esther said she didn’t know where the courage came from to do what she did. She was stunned to see all these young people come to Christ.

Pastors and Evangelists Conference. Preached 2 messages on the Life and Work of an Evangelist and 1 on the Power of the Evangelist.

Tom is our Kenyan contact. One morning his 4 year old son, Witte was talking through his nose. Tom asked what he was doing. “I’m talking like a white man!”

Kenyan woman, “All the Musungus (white folks) look alike.”

Flew from Kisumu to Nairobi to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Slept all night on wooden bench outside airport. Drove a couple of hours to Chalinze. Stayed in Bush Guest House. I don’t think George and Laura ever slept here, it was just out in the bush. No air conditioning. Swelteringly hot. Local call to Hades! Ceiling fans stirring hot, humid air. In middle of night, electricity went off, fan stopped. I woke up in a pool of sweat. There was snow on the ground when I left home. I’m pretty sure I could bake a chicken in this room.
Asante sana-thank you
Hakuna matata (for those who haven’t seen Lion King)-no problem

Only place to eat is Muslim restaurant. We go there once a day for lunch and witnessing.

Even TV newscasters here use terms like “got hitched” or “kicked the bucket.”

Mungu anakupenda-God loves you

Masaai village. The tall people who dress in red and other bright colors. My dream of a lifetime was to preach to the Masaai. 40 professions of faith. One of the highlights of my entire ministry. Young man, traditional dress, sword and club strapped to his side, next to his cell phone!

Our contact in Chalinze was a Baptist pastor named Romy. Sweet, funny guy, trying to learn English. Thought I would throw him off by speaking a little Spanish. His eyes got big and he asked, “Is that Frenchie or China?”

One school cancelled because Muslim teacher put pressure on Christian Head Master.

Confederate flag on back of a bus.

Most of the staff of the Bush House became Christians while we were there. One girl, a Muslim, about 20, named Khabibe came to me right before we left for Dar es Salaam to say goodbye. She gave her heart to Jesus.

In Dar es Salaam, we are personal guests of the Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Tanzania, Valentino Mokiwa. Very nice hotel. AIR CONDITIONED! We are downtown. We can hear the Muslims call to prayer. Darkness! Dar is 40% Muslim, rural areas, 75-100%. Preached in Anglican churches. Scott had to wear a robe at his..Ha Ha. This is a different experience for a Southern Baptist evangelist. But no restrictions were put on me.

Valentino is articulate, intelligent, very British, genuinely interested in evangelism, and deeply spiritual. They have a 10 year emphasis on evangelism, church planting, discipleship, etc. We explored ways we could work together. They have special emphasis on evangelism first week of July every year. Door to door, street preaching and evangelistic rallies in about 50 locations. Wants to turn his churches into “Matthew 28 la-BOR-atories (British pronunciation.) Has 1000 evangelists nationwide. Wants seminary style training, with syllabi for full courses in witnessing, evangelistic preaching, discipleship, etc. I believe the bishop may be the key to opening an entire nation to our ministry and we can be key to helping him achieve his evangelistic goals. He works with other denominations. Is 1st VP of Tanzanian inter church council. That’s how he knows Romy, our Baptist contact in Chalinze. He is also head of the All Africa Church Council (that’s not the exact name.) When we met, he had just returned from a private conference with the president of Uganda.

In nearly a month away from home, I personally witnessed 7514 professions of faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. To God be all the Glory!


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