Home (definition: wherever Terri is) is always my favorite place to be, especially after 45 days in eastern Africa. I love Africa and the people there. It’s become like a second home to me. But it’s always good to be back. International travel and cross cultural evangelism always has its challenges, but this time the challenges were unique. It is never dull! And this trip was quite an adventure! I personally witnessed many professions of faith in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior. The responsiveness of these precious souls to the Gospel never fails to stun me. I must tell you I make the message as clear and as true to the New Testament as I know how. I preach the Holiness of God, the just demands of His Law, our failure and inability to live up to those demands, judgment, Hell, the Incarnation and sinless life and deity of Christ, the Atonement of the Cross, Christ the only way of salvation, repentance, faith, the Lordship of Christ, following Him to the death. And still they come to Christ!
What’s especially unique about the area I just came from is that it is made up of a majority of a radical world religion adamantly opposed to Christianity. They reject the deity of Christ, the Trinity and the Bible way of salvation. They say Jesus was a prophet and not the last or most important prophet at that. That’s their official doctrine and many branches enforce their beliefs with violence.
But God is doing some tremendous things among these lost souls whom we refer to as “POW’s.” They are not the enemy, they are held captive by the enemy of their souls to do his will. However, through many different means, the Lord Jesus is setting captives free and opening the eyes of the spiritually blind.
Our Anglican friends in this African country led over 500 people to Christ the week before we got there, doing door to door evangelism. Many of them were “POW’s.” These are the George Whitefield, John Wesley and John Newton kind of Anglicans, dear friends and brothers.
One of our drivers, a “POW” whom I witnessed to all week brought his 19 year old nephew who is dying of AIDS to us to pray for him and lead him to Christ. Kulwa may have weighed 70 pounds. His heart is full of the love of Jesus now.
We were called into the Minister of Education’s office because of complaints from a “POW.” We talk about smoking, drugs and alcohol and sex outside of marriage and other issues young people face around the world. Then we explain we are going to give the Christian solution. They are free to leave. Their headmaster knows ahead of time. Remember, we were in areas that were 99% “POW.” The M of E was clearly upset and was about to shut us down. I explained simply and quietly what we do and say (while others with me were praying silently.) All of us witnessed the miracle. Inexplicably, her countenance was transformed from intense and angry to calm and peaceful right before our eyes, and she said, “All right, please continue your work.”
After an assembly, the headmaster asked to speak with me. She was obviously under conviction. We went into her office and she gave her heart to Jesus.
A trip to a village to witness a baptism of former “POW’s” was cancelled at the last minute because of an outbreak of cholera.
I saw many professions of faith preaching in churches. One Sunday, I was in church for 11 hours!
We had an 11 hour bus ride. The “facilities” were alongside the rode whenever the driver took a notion to stop and stretch.
On a Tuesday, I spoke at a high school. There were 600 students out under the trees. Several of these committed their lives to Christ. This was an area that was 99% of the prisoner of war world religion. I have to be cautious from now on in my articles about naming this religion or even in some cases the countries I’m in. I’m not trying to sound mysterious; it’s for the protection of our personnel on the ground there that stay behind when we come home. Early Wednesday morning we were awakened by immigration officials who demanded our passports and then took us down to the immigration office. The man in charge said we were guilty of crimes and were facing three years in prison. He wanted money naturally to make everything go away. But he wasn’t bluffing. I told him we didn’t bring enough money (I deliberately did not bring any to the office. I’ll do my best not to use your gifts of God’s resources to pay bribes.) He thought that was unfortunate and said as much. He was very angry.
Obviously, we eventually got out and got our passports back or I wouldn’t be home telling you about it. All I am free to say is that a whole lot of you were praying for us and a few phone calls were made. And yes, we are free to go back. Our God reigns! The pastors we were working with were deeply encouraged and fired up! They said, “We can do this!” (school ministry) That’s what we are always looking for, local pastors and evangelists who will follow up in the schools through the doors we’ve opened and catch the vision to expand their ministry. These guys really got it, and honestly I think our arrest helped.
As always, our biggest need is your consistent intercessory prayer. Prayer for continued open doors for the Gospel. I’ll be preaching in the states in September and moving to New Mexico. Then to Brazil in October and Mexico in November. And pray that the Lord will provide the extra $20,000 I need every year just for travel expenses.
In the love of Christ,
Dan and Terri Grindstaff