Sept 22 Drove to Katy, Texas
Sept. 23 Houston to Minneapolis to Tokyo to Manila. Looks like 95% of passengers from Minneapolis are Japanese. Some of the flight attendants are Japanese. Announcements in 2 languages. Just realized this is my first trip across the Pacific. Have always gone the other way. Never been to Asia. This is fascinating. Heaven will be like this, and more. Every tribe, every tongue. What a beautiful Bride it will be for the coming King. Left Minneapolis 4 PM Wed. For awhile I thought we were going to drive to Tokyo. Took a long time to get this 2 story bird in the air.
Have you ever looked at the Sky Mall catalogue? Canine Genealogy Kit. Use cotton swab inside your dog’s cheek and send to lab. They tell you what breeds are represented in your mutt. Vital information. $59.95. Indoor Dog Restroom. This mat and tray system gives dogs a place to relieve themselves when they can’t get outside for respite. (That’s an exact quote!) $149.95 Now I might be interested in this one… The Marshmallow Shooter with an LED sight and red light beam for accuracy. Hey, Babe (my wife and bookkeeper) can we spring for $24.95? Oh, never mind, choking hazard. Not for 3 year olds or grandpas. The Pet Ramp and Staircase for older or arthritic pets to climb on your bed without stress to their joints. Also good for their emotional well being; they feel accepted and welcome. (‘Pistol’ sleeps under the house. Knowing his DNA wouldn’t be helpful either.) This is a long flight. Hope y’all don’t get bored.
The Coolaroo Dog Bed keeps your pet cool, comfortable and off the hard dirty ground. Wonder if it would fit under the house? Proving that a Pet Crate can be attractive, this solid pine version doubles as very stylish end table. Here’s another stairway for pets who need help getting on your furniture. But on the same page is a pet gate to keep your dog out of your room. How rude!
I’m starting to feel guilty about all the dogs I’ve had in 57 years who’ve slept outside, got run over, eaten by coyotes, were refused access to the house, were not helped up on the furniture, or had to drink out of the toilet.
Enough of this. I’m reading a chapter daily from Genesis, Joshua, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Matthew, Acts, Romans and Revelation. Also, a book by Samuel Hopkins, published in 1793, A Treatise on the Millennium, showing from Scripture Prophecy, that it is to come, when it will come, in what it will consist and the events which are to first take place, introductory to it. That’s the title! When we get to the Philippines, there won’t be much time for reading. We’ll start each morning about 5:30.
Passing over SW Canada. –38 degrees F outside at 30,000 ft. They just told us to close our windows. Not because of the cold, silly. Maybe because it’s going to be daylight all ‘night.’ It’s now 1:00 and still daylight. As far as the East is from the West.
Coming into Tokyo. Local time is 5:05 PM. My body is at 3:05 AM. Yesterday. I think.
In airport, I hear an announcement for Flight #1 for Ho Chi Minh City.
Tokyo to Manila, 4 hr flight. Then back one hour. OK, here’s one more…Pet Doorbell, so your dog won’t have to scratch at the front door. $69.95.
Manila 11:00 PM Wed. On the way, Ricky our van driver suddenly, inexplicably got sick, couldn’t breathe. Said it had never happened before. Typical stuff before an evangelistic mission. Recently, Amy Stockwell was rear ended by an uninsured driver, an undocumented alien. David and Amy’s house was struck by lightning. I’ve got a flareup of gout on this trip. One of team members scheduled to go was completely sidelined.
Saturday, Sept. 26 Pastors’ Conference held at ball room of hotel. Great meeting! We really met with God. Started raining, pouring. Found out we were in the middle of a Level 2 typhoon. Severe flooding. Pastors separated from their families and churches.
Sun, Sept. 27 Many churches closed. I preached at a small church that met on the second floor. Street was chest high in water last night. Pastor and wife slept in car. Were wearing Tee shirts we gave out at conference yesterday. Some pastors had to swim home to their families. Schools have now become evacuation centers. May open more opportunities for evangelism. We are scheduled to preach in 100 schools this week.
Mon, Sept 28 Schools cancelled Mon-Tues. Thousands of evacuees. We’re trying to find out about relief possibilities (food, water.) We are pretty well stranded at hotel for today. The tentative plan is to go tomorrow to evacuation centers (schools) and minister, pray, witness, preach. We will work with Operation Blessing to provide food and water. Still raining. Front page of Philippine Daily Inquirer shows hundreds of people wading down the street in chest high, muddy water. Death toll..140.
Tues, Sept. 29 It is still unclear what we are going to be able to do. Filthy conditions in evacuation centers, mud, human feces, no food or water, swine flu, dengue, malaria, diarrhea, leptospirosis, coffins with bloated, decaying corpses, next to sick and injured, lying on concrete floor.
An 18 year old boy saved 30 people, the last, a 6 month old baby, then was swept downstream, exhausted. Drowned. Two brothers, age 10 and 15, found dead, embracing in a mudslide, Mt. Arayat.
Another typhoon may be brewing. It is looking like they may send us home early. Not our choice. We are stranded in the hotel. Professional disaster relief workers and health officials are prepared for dealing with this. We may not be allowed in.
Hotel restaurant, old, fat man, American or European, at breakfast with 20 something Filipina. I see lots of that here. Love has nothing to do with it.
My first, natural impulse is to go to evacuation centers, wade in the filth and disease and love on these precious souls, share the Gospel. I’ve matured enough to know that my first, natural impulse is usually wrong. Joshua 4, if God tells you to cross the Jordan during the time of harvest when it overflows its banks, then obey and you won’t get wet. If you presume to know the will of God and make your own call, you’re just going to get wet and muddy, or worse.
People were hanging from high wires to escape flood. 240 dead, so far.
Just got word we’re coming home in the morning. Going this afternoon to minister to evacuees on the street. Schools cancelled all week.
Preached and ministered in barrio where it had been flooded. Handed out food and clothes. 9 year old girl, real cute, dimples, friendly, but shy. All the other kids shook hands with us (although we were urged not to because of possible infection.) Some would touch my hand to their head, a show of respect. Dimples wouldn’t shake hands, but stayed close to me. Like a thousand times before, I wanted to bring this one home with me. I know my daughter would take her. Terri would too, for that matter. But that’s one off-handed comment you NEVER make. Some little mother might take you up on it, sell her child to you. When Dimples finally came around and extended her hand, I realized her reticence. Her little fingers were just stubs.
Edwin Domingo. I noticed him in the crowd. Shaved head, undershirt, tough guy look, leaning against wall. I waded through the crowd, extended my hand and said, “The Lord told me to give you my Bible (a Gideon NT.)” He lit up. Later, I was able to talk with him. Said he was born again in 1994, but had some tragedy in his life, wife died. We prayed together and he came back to Jesus.
One of the guys on our team is a cop in New Mexico. Used to be on SWAT team. Sometimes they would get orders to storm a certain house, would suit up, lock and load, and then at last minute receive orders to ‘stand down.’ We went to other side of planet, preached and ministered all we could. Storm closed schools and effectively shut us down. Our orders, for the time being, were to stand down. Seems like it should have been a great disappointment. Instead, great peace.
Nothing ever sneaks up on Jesus.
Let’s take a survey. Who do you think sent the worst typhoon in 42 years to the Philippines?
Now, as promised, an exciting announcement.
My long time friend, Evangelist David Stockwell, with whom I’ve gone this year to Zambia, Uganda and the Philippines has asked me to become staff evangelist with his ministry. I’ve accepted joyfully. First, what this does NOT mean. Then, what it means.
It does not mean any salary. I still have to raise all my own money, even more now for more travel.
It does not mean another move.
It does not mean cutting down on my Mexico ministry.
It does not mean any change in Dan Grindstaff Ministries, Inc., or our method of receiving contributions.
What it does mean: Networking and partnering with friends I can trust who have a proven track record in international evangelism (and whom I dearly love.)
Unlimited opportunities to preach before thousands of Gospel hungry and receptive peoples (limited only by finances.)
David’s office will handle travel arrangements, overseas insurance, multiple details.
NEST (National Evangelist Support Team) national evangelists on the ground in several countries who set up schools and other venues for me, follow up thoroughly after I’m gone, make disciples, plant churches, make all local arrangements, etc.
I’ve known David over 30 years. I used to work with him when I was in seminary. I’ve been in 3 countries with him this year. I’ve spent hours with him listening to his heart. This is the real deal. I wouldn’t put my name and reputation on this ministry if I weren’t convinced. Please go to to read more. Also, there are photos from these last three trips.
David wants to send me several places on my own. I don’t have to wait until he has a team trip scheduled. Also, I can travel a lot cheaper on my own. I don’t have to stay in hotels and do the things necessary with a team. Like I do in Mexico. I’M READY TO GO! If the Lord of the Harvest has you in a place to help me do it, it would be deeply appreciated.
Dan Grindstaff